The Corporation of the Town of Grand Valley

Council Meeting Minutes

Council Chambers, 5 Main Street North, Grand Valley
Council Present:
  • Mayor Steve Soloman
  • Deputy Mayor Philip Rentsch
  • Councillor Lorne Dart
  • Councillor James Jonker
  • Councillor Paul Latam
Staff Present:
  • Meghan Townsend, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk
  • Matthew Bos, Director Public Works
  • Steven Freitas, Director of Finance/Treasurer
  • Mark Kluge, Town Planner
  • Donna Tremblay, Deputy Clerk/Communications Coordinator
  • Brad Haines, By-Law Enforcement Officer
  • James Allen, Recreation Facilities Manager
Others Present:
  • Justin Foreman, Grand Valley Fire Chief

Due to technical difficulties during the recording of the live stream, the recording for this meeting does not include video for Agenda Items 2 to 8.  

Mayor Soloman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

Mayor Soloman advised the meeting was being live streamed and publicly broadcast and that a recording of the meeting would be available on the Town's website. 

Councillor Jonker attended the meeting virtually.

  • Resolution:2024-09-18
    Moved by:P. Latam
    Seconded by:J. Jonker

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopts the agenda and any addendums dated Tuesday, September 24, 2024 as circulated.

  • Resolution:2024-09-19
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:P. Latam

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the September 10, 2024, Regular Council Meeting be approved as amended with a correction to the spelling of Minister Calandra. 


Mayor Soloman thanked Council and staff for honouring the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation on September 30, 2024, by the wearing of orange shirts.  



There were no deputations or presentations.

Mayor Soloman introduced the public question and welcomed Mr. Rowe who was in attendance to answer Council questions.  

Council discussed Mr. Rowe's suggested cemetery access and discussed ways to deter traffic from using the end of Mr. Rowe's driveway to enter the cemetery.

  • Resolution:2024-09-20
    Moved by:P. Latam
    Seconded by:P. Rentsch

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the Public Question from John Rowe regarding the Union Cemetery Entrance. 

    AND FURTHER THAT Council directs staff to address the issue.


Council discussed the draft resolution and AMCTO's recommendation to permit alternate election dates in the Municipal Election Act amendments.

  • Resolution:2024-09-21
    Moved by:J. Jonker
    Seconded by:P. Latam

    WHEREAS elections rules need to be clear, supporting candidates and voters in their electoral participation and election administrators in running elections.

    WHEREAS legislation needs to strike the right balance between providing clear rules and frameworks to ensure the integrity of the electoral process,

    WHEREAS the legislation must also reduce administrative and operational burden for municipal staff ensuring that local election administrators can run elections in a way that responds to the unique circumstances of their local communities.

    WHEREAS the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (MEA) will be 30 years old by the next municipal and school board elections in 2026.

    WHEREAS the MEA sets out the rules for local elections, the Assessment Act, 1990 and the Education Act, 1990 also contain provisions impacting local elections adding more places for voters, candidates, and administrators to look for the rules that bind the local democratic process in Ontario.

    WHEREAS with rules across three pieces of legislation, and the MEA containing a patchwork of clauses, there are interpretation challenges, inconsistencies, and gaps to fill.

    WHEREAS the Act can pose difficulties for voters, candidates, contributors and third-party advertisers to read, to interpret, to comply with and for election administrators to enforce.

    WHEREAS while local elections are run as efficiently and effectively as can be within the current legislative framework, modernization and continuous improvement is needed to ensure the Act is responsive to today’s needs and tomorrow’s challenges.

    WHEREAS to keep public trust and improve safeguards the Act should be reviewed considering the ever-changing landscape which impacts elections administration including privacy, the threats of foreign interference, increased spread of mis/disinformation and the increased use of technologies like artificial intelligence and use of digital identities.

    WHEREAS the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks, and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO) reviewed the Act and has provided several recommendations including modernizing the legislation, harmonizing rules, and streamlining and simplifying administration.

    AND WHEREAS AMCTO put forward recommendations for amendments ahead of the 2026 elections and longer-term recommendations for amendments ahead of the 2030 elections.

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Grand Valley calls for the Province to update the MEA with priority amendments as outlined by AMCTO except for the provision to allow alternate election dates, leaving the election date fixed for all municipalities, and that the amendments be addressed before the Summer 2025 and commence work to review and re-write the MEA with longer-term recommendations ahead of the 2030 elections.

    AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution will be forwarded to all municipalities in Ontario for support and that each endorsement be then forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing ([email protected]), the Minister of Education ([email protected]), the Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery ([email protected]), Minister of Finance ([email protected]) the Premier of Ontario ([email protected] ), Syliva Jones, MPP and AMCTO ([email protected]).


Council discussed the Council Memo and Dufferin Alternate Appointment Policy.

  • Resolution:2024-09-22
    Moved by:P. Latam
    Seconded by:P. Rentsch

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the Council Memo - Alternate Council Members Appointments; 

    AND FURTHER THAT Council appoints James Jonker and Paul Latam, as Grand Valley County Council Alternates; 

    AND FURTHER THAT Council requests that staff provide a copy of this resolution to the Dufferin County Clerk.


Meghan Townsend, CAO/Clerk presented the report and requested Council's feedback on suggestions for additions grant funding projects to those recommended by staff.
CAO Townsend advised separate resolutions were prepared to allow for approved resolutions to accompany each grant funding application.

Councillor Dart arrived at 10:31 a.m.

Council discussed the proposed grant funding projects and provided suggestions for additional projects.

Staff advised additional information will be provided to Council regarding the Dufferin County Municipal Emergency Preparedness Grant.

  • Resolution:2024-09-23
    Moved by:P. Latam
    Seconded by:J. Jonker

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the Report – Current Grant Opportunities and Recommendations.

  • Resolution:2024-09-24
    Moved by:J. Jonker
    Seconded by:P. Latam

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council authorizes staff to proceed with an application to the Ontario Community Sports and Recreation Infrastructure Fund – Stream 1 to seek funding for the replacement of the roof at the Grand Valley and District Community Centre.

  • Resolution:2024-09-25
    Moved by:P. Latam
    Seconded by:J. Jonker

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council authorizes staff to proceed with an application to the Ontario Community Sports and Recreation Infrastructure Fund – Stream 2 to seek funding for the creation of an outdoor multi-sport playing field and recreation pavilion at the Concession 2-3 park.

  • Resolution:2024-09-26
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:L. Dart

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council authorizes staff to proceed with an application to the Housing Enabling Water Systems Fund Round 2 to seek funding toward the construction of the Town’s second elevated water tank.

  • Resolution:2024-09-27
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:L. Dart

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council authorizes staff to proceed with an application to the Housing Enabling Core Servicing Stream to seek funding for either the Scott Street Redevelopment Project or Hill Town Subdivision Road Project.

  • Resolution:2024-09-28
    Moved by:L. Dart
    Seconded by:P. Rentsch

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council authorizes staff to proceed with an application to the Dufferin County Municipal Emergency Preparedness Grant to seek funding for emergency back up power for the Town’s drinking water system, and authorizes staff to work with the drinking water system operator to determine a cost effective system for ensuring that the Town’s drinking water system is prepared for emergencies.




Steven Frietas, Director of Finance, Treasurer provided a summary of the report.

Council discussed the report and inquired as to the status of Town receivables and clarification regarding payables for computers. Staff provided a status updates for both receivables and the computer payables.

  • Resolution:2024-09-29
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:L. Dart

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the Report - Treasurer's Update for information purposes.


Brad Haines, By-Law Enforcement and Property Standards Officer provided a summary of his report.

Council discussed the report and sought clarification regarding  scalability of the submitted drawings. Staff provided clarification.

  • Resolution:2024-09-30
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:L. Dart

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the Report - Fence Variance Request – 96 Melody, 2024-063 dated September 24, 2024;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council approve the fence variation request to permit the maximum distance farther than the permitted 2-meters from the rear wall of the home in accordance with Section 5. LINE FENCES IN THE SETTLEMENT AREA subsection (5.2) of the Town’s Fence and Pool Enclosure By-law 2020-31, as amended, to 9.11 meters, for the lands municipally known as 96 Melody Lane (Roll# 106356).


Brad Haines, By-Law Enforcement and Property Standards Officers provided a summary of his report including a verbal update on the appointment of the Police Services Board Provincial Appointee and advised that the Police Board would be proceeding with scheduling a Board meeting.

  • Resolution:2024-09-31
    Moved by:L. Dart
    Seconded by:P. Latam

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the Report – By-Law Enforcement Status Update – August 2024, for information purposes.


James Allen, Recreation Facilities Manager, presented his report.

Council discussed the report and inquired about new programs, timelines for grand opening and completion of the Concession 2/3 ball diamond and the items which would be included in the Community Centre Tender.

Staff advised on new programs and updates to existing projects, timelines for the Concession 2/3 ball diamond and items which would be included in the Community Centre Tender.

Council discussed the Hereward Park decommissioning and park ownership.

  • Resolution:2024-09-35
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:L. Dart

    BE IT RESOLVEDTHAT Council receive the Recreation update for information purposes.

    AND FURTHER THAT Council approves the decommissioning of the Hereward Ball diamond.




There were no planning reports.

There were no public works reports.

  • Resolution:2024-09-32
    Moved by:J. Jonker
    Seconded by:P. Latam

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council recess their Regular Meeting of Council at 11:00 a.m. to hold a Public Meeting under section 34 of the Planning Act.


Mark Kluge, Town Planner, provided a summary of the proposed zoning-by law amendment application. He stated the lot is a legal lot of record, the property is zoned Rural Residential, but the lot size regulations do not meet the current zoning regulations for the rural residential zone. Mr. Kluge advised the zoning size deficiencies are outlined in his report. Mr. Kluge stated written comments were received from the adjoining farm property owner and from the Dufferin Federation of Agriculture and that the comments would be reviewed by staff and addressed in a future recommendation report to Council.

Mayor Soloman thanked Mr. Kluge for his presentation and requested those in attendance who wished to provide comments to come forward. 

The following individuals spoke: 

Lorie Haddock. Ms. Haddock stated she lived in Mono and was the property owner's real estate agent. She advised her comments would address concerns raised in the letter of opposition received from the adjoining farm property owner. Ms. Haddock read from her prepared written statement which addressed concerns regarding the location of a private well and septic systems in proximity the farm, spraying of farm chemicals, public health, public safety and environmental protection concerns.  

Kathleen Dickison. Ms. Dickison stated she was the daughter of the adjoining farm property owner and wished to provide her concerns relating to the proposed application. She expressed concerns regarding the Public Meeting report's identification of the lands as agricultural stating the property is prime agriculture land and has a higher standard for land uses. She requested the application be deferred until there is clarification regarding the land designation and stated approval of the application would result in the loss of prime agricultural lands and did not comply with current provincial legislative requirements. She expressed concerns regarding area flooding, water resources, installation of a septic system on flood prone lands, buffers between properties, minimum distance separations and precedent setting if the application was approved. 

Marie Leli Dickison. Ms. Dickison stated she was the adjoining property owner and wished to provide her comments. She stated the proposed application would affect the ability of her farm property to expand and change as a non-farming resident would lack of knowledge of normal farm practices.  She requested Council protect her 99.6 acres of prime agriculture land by refusing the application. 

Mike Dickison. Mr. Dickison advised he was an adjoining property owner. He expressed concerns the application to reduce lot size and setbacks could result in challenges and limitations to his normal farming practice.

Mayor Soloman thanked those in attendance for their comments and requested members of Council to provide their comments. 

Council provided comments and sought clarification regarding the following:   

  • Minimum distance separation. Staff will review and advise.
  • Reason for lot creation in the 1970s. Marie Leli Dickison advised the lot was created for the retired Luther Marsh Superintendent.
  • Offer to purchase conditions. Lori Haddock advised the offer to purchase did not include conditions. 
  • Grand River Conservation Authority commenting.  Staff advising a review mapping would be conducted and will advise.
  • Addressing Town's engineering septic comments.  Staff advised the property owners were provided with the engineering comments and would be addressed by the County of Dufferin through the building permit process.  

Mr. Kluge provided clarification regarding the Grand Valley property designation as agricultural and advised that all land in rural area of Grand Valley is designated as Prime Agricultural Land. 

Mayor Soloman thanked Council for their comments. 

Mr. Kluge provided closing remarks advising no decision would be at today's meeting, a final recommendation report would be provided to Council at a future date and the public commenting deadline is October 11,2024. Mr. Kluge advised that those who wished to receive further notifications of this application were required to provide their contact information on the sign in sheet provided.

  • Resolution:2024-09-33
    Moved by:P. Latam
    Seconded by:J. Jonker

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council reconvene their Regular Meeting at 12:10 p.m.

  • Resolution:2024-09-34
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:L. Dart

    BE IT RESOLVEDTHAT Report No. PLN2024-059, dated September 24, 2024, be received;

    AND FURTHER THAT the public has until Friday October 11, 2024, to provide comments to Planning on application Z03-2024;

    AND FURTHER THAT all agency and public comments be referred to Planning and considered in a Recommendation Report to be scheduled for a future Council Meeting regarding the final disposition of this matter.

    AND FURTHER THAT the decision on application Z03-2024 be deferred.


There were no pending items.

Council discussed the Grand Valley Library request.

  • Resolution:2024-09-36
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:L. Dart

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the Grand Valley Public Library's silent auction donation request; 

    AND FURTHER THAT Council requests a gift basket of no more than $150.00 be purchased by the Town for the silent auction, from local vendors.  


Council recessed at 12:28 p.m. and resumed at 1:00 p.m.

Mayor Soloman advised he would be attending an upcoming Orangeville Hydro Board Meeting on September 26, 2024.

Deputy Mayor Rentsch provided an update on the removal of the drag line at Proton Pit.

Deputy Mayor Rentsch provided an update on Medical Dental Board's activities.  He advised the Board has agreed to dissolve the Board by the end of 2024, and that there will be a new committee whose mandate will include assisting with medical professional services.

Councillor Latam provided an update on the Community Centre Board activities.  He advised the roof top unit replacement project and 2024/2025 ice scheduling has been completed. 

Councillor Latam provided an update on Fire Board activities advising that a recruitment for volunteer fire fighters was well received and onboarding and training of new recruits is underway.

Councillor Jonker provided an update on Library Board activities.  He advised the Library Board received correspondence from the Town of Amaranth regarding the provision of library services and a further update on this letter will be provided to Council a future meeting.

Deputy Mayor Rentsch provided an update on the County of Dufferin's New Operations Centre Project.  He referred to the August 22, 2024 Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee Report which provided a project update.  He advised the next phase of the project will include acquiring land in southern part of the County.  He suggested the Town Planner contact Thomasfield Homes to advise of the County's interest in obtaining land for this new operations centre.

Justin Foreman, Fire Chief provided his comments regarding the County of Dufferin's Multi-jurisdictional Fire Prevention and Protection Modernization Plan. 

Council discussed the contents of the plan, recommendations and fire service needs for the residents of Grand Valley.

  • Resolution:2024-09-37
    Moved by:J. Jonker
    Seconded by:P. Latam

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the Dufferin County Resolution and Dufferin County Multi-Jurisdictional Fire Prevention and Protection Modernization Plan; 

    AND FURTHER THAT Council requests that the Fire Board review the Report and advise the Councils of their preferred recommendation by the beginning of December, 2024.


Council discussed the resolutions.

  • Resolution:2024-09-38
    Moved by:P. Latam
    Seconded by:J. Jonker

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the County Council resolutions. 

  • Resolution:2024-09-40
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:L. Dart

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the resolutions from the Grand Valley Business Improvement Area; 

    AND FURTHER THAT Council appoints Parul Burge as a member of the Grand Valley BIA Board of Management for the remainder of the 2022-2026 term.


2023 Grand Valley Audit

Council inquired as to the presentation of the 2023 Audit. Staff advised audit work is nearing completion and an audit presentation is to be scheduled for a future Council meeting. 

Giant Hog Weed

Council expressed concerns regarding increased growth of Giant Hog and inquired as to responsibilities for removal. CAO Townsend advised the Town is responsible for the management and removal of Giant Hog Weed, along the river and in the park, she stated increases in growth and resulting costs for proper management will need to be discussed during 2025 budget discussions.




There were no by-laws.

  • Resolution:2024-09-41
    Moved by:L. Dart
    Seconded by:P. Latam

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council resolve itself into a meeting that is closed to the public at 1:43 p.m. pursuant to the Municipal Act, under the provisions of Section 239(2)(c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. 

  • The following items were discussed.

Call to Order


Closed Session Minutes


August 13, 2024 Closed Session Minutes


Proposed Acquisition of Land


Council rose from its closed meeting at 2:22 pm to resume into open session and provided the following closed meeting summary.

  • Resolution:2024-09-42
    Moved by:J. Jonker
    Seconded by:P. Latam

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approves the Closed Session minutes dated August 13, 2024 as presented in closed session

  • Resolution:2024-09-43
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:P. Latam

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council directs staff to proceed with the proposed acquisition of lands as discussed in closed session.  

  • Resolution:2024-09-44
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:L. Dart

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT leave be given to introduce a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Regular Council Meeting held on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 and that it be given the necessary readings and be passed and numbered as By-Law 2024-39  

  • Resolution:2024-09-45
    Moved by:L. Dart
    Seconded by:P. Rentsch

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn this meeting of Council at 2:25 p.m. to meet again for a Regular Meeting on October 8, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. or at the call of the Mayor. 

No Item Selected