The Corporation of the Town of Grand Valley
Council Meeting Agenda

Council Chambers, 5 Main Street North, Grand Valley

Changes to the original agenda are noted with an asterisk "*".


Town Council Meetings are livestreamed at 

Members of Council are required to request items they wish to discuss from the Information Items. Items will be discussed under Agenda Item 12-Correspondence. 

Members of Council are required to state any pecuniary interest in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

Members of the Public or organizations wishing to have an announcement read at a meeting are required to contact the Town Offices at no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday preceding the date of the Regular Council Meeting. 

Members of the Public wishing to present information or delegate to matters on the agenda are required to register to delegate using the Council Delegation Request Form.  Deadlines for registration are set out in Procedural By-Law 2024-10 section 6.7.  



Members of the Public are required to submit written questions in advance to

  • Recommendation

    THAT Council receives the Report – Current Grant Opportunities and Recommendation

    AND FURTHER THAT Council authorizes staff to proceed with an application to the Ontario Community Sports and Recreation Infrastructure Fund – Stream 1 to seek funding for the replacement of the roof at the Grand Valley and District Community Centre.

    AND FURTHER THAT Council authorizes staff to proceed with an application to the Ontario Community Sports and Recreation Infrastructure Fund – Stream 2 to seek funding for the creation of an outdoor multi-sport playing field at the Concession 2-3 park.

    AND FURTHER THAT Council authorizes staff to proceed with an application to the Dufferin County Municipal Emergency Preparedness Grant to seek funding for emergency back up power for the Town’s drinking water system, and authorizes staff to work with the drinking water system operator to determine a cost effective system for ensuring that the Town’s drinking water system is prepared for emergencies.

    AND FURTHER THAT Council authorizes staff to proceed with an application to the Housing Enabling Water Systems Fund Round 2 to seek funding toward the construction of the Town’s second elevated water tank.

    AND FURTHER THAT Council authorizes staff to proceed with an application to the Housing Enabling Core Servicing Stream to seek funding for the Scott Street Redevelopment Project.

  • Recommendation

    THAT Council receive the Report - Fence Variance Request – 96 Melody, 2024-063 dated September 24, 2024;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council approve the fence variation request to permit the maximum distance farther than the permitted 2-meters from the rear wall of the home in accordance with Section 5. LINE FENCES IN THE SETTLEMENT AREA subsection (5.2) of the Town’s Fence and Pool Enclosure By-law 2020-31, as amended, to 9.11 meters, for the lands municipally known as 96 Melody Lane (Roll# 106356).

  • Recommendation

    THAT Council receive the Report – By-Law Enforcement Status Update – August 2024, for information purposes.

  • Recommendation

    THAT Council receive the Recreation update for information purposes.

    AND FURTHER THAT Council approves the decommissioning of the Hereward Ball diamond




  • Recommendation

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council will recess their Regular Meeting of Council at 11:00 a.m. to hold a Public Meeting under section 34 of the Planning Act.

The purpose and effect of this application is to amend the Rural Residential (RR) Zone regulations to recognize an existing lot of record.

  • Recommendation

    THAT Report No. PLN2024-059, dated September 24, 2024, be received;

    AND FURTHER THAT the public has until Friday October 11, 2024, to provide comments to Planning on application Z03-2024;

    AND FURTHER THAT all agency and public comments be referred to Planning and considered in a Recommendation Report to be scheduled for a future Council Meeting regarding the final disposition of this matter.

    AND FURTHER THAT the decision on application Z03-2024 be deferred.

Members of Council may provide updates relating to board, committee or association meetings and community events.





No Item Selected