THAT Council receives the Report – Current Grant Opportunities and Recommendation
AND FURTHER THAT Council authorizes staff to proceed with an application to the Ontario Community Sports and Recreation Infrastructure Fund – Stream 1 to seek funding for the replacement of the roof at the Grand Valley and District Community Centre.
AND FURTHER THAT Council authorizes staff to proceed with an application to the Ontario Community Sports and Recreation Infrastructure Fund – Stream 2 to seek funding for the creation of an outdoor multi-sport playing field at the Concession 2-3 park.
AND FURTHER THAT Council authorizes staff to proceed with an application to the Dufferin County Municipal Emergency Preparedness Grant to seek funding for emergency back up power for the Town’s drinking water system, and authorizes staff to work with the drinking water system operator to determine a cost effective system for ensuring that the Town’s drinking water system is prepared for emergencies.
AND FURTHER THAT Council authorizes staff to proceed with an application to the Housing Enabling Water Systems Fund Round 2 to seek funding toward the construction of the Town’s second elevated water tank.
AND FURTHER THAT Council authorizes staff to proceed with an application to the Housing Enabling Core Servicing Stream to seek funding for the Scott Street Redevelopment Project.