The Corporation of the Town of Grand Valley

Council Meeting Minutes

Council Chambers, 5 Main Street North, Grand Valley
Council Present:
  • Mayor Steve Soloman
  • Deputy Mayor Philip Rentsch
  • Councillor Lorne Dart
  • Councillor James Jonker
  • Councillor Paul Latam
Staff Present:
  • Meghan Townsend, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk
  • Matthew Bos, Director Public Works
  • Steven Freitas, Director of Finance/Treasurer
  • Mark Kluge, Town Planner
  • James Allen, Recreation Facilities Manager
  • Brad Haines, By-Law Enforcement Officer
  • Donna Tremblay, Deputy Clerk/Communications Coordinator

Mayor Soloman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

  • Resolution:2024-11-19
    Moved by:J. Jonker
    Seconded by:P. Latam

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopts the agenda and any addendums dated Tuesday, November 26, 2024 as amended, addition of item 19.3 to the Closed Session.

  • Resolution:2024-11-20
    Moved by:P. Latam
    Seconded by:J. Jonker

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the November 12, 2024, Regular Council Meeting be approved as circulated.


Mayor Soloman read the proclamation from the Dufferin Community Foundation, declaring December 3, 2024 as Giving Tuesday in the Town of Grand Valley. 

  • Resolution:2024-11-21
    Moved by:J. Jonker
    Seconded by:P. Latam

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT leave be given to OCWA presenters Natalie Baker, Caralynn McRae and Jenna Porter, to address Council.


Councillor Lorne Dart arrived at 10:15 a.m. and Deputy Mayor Rentsch arrived at 10:22 a.m. 

Natalie Baker, Caralynn McRae and Jenna Porter appeared before Council with a presentation including an overview of the Ontario Clean Water Agency's (OCWA) services, Grand Valley's relationship with OCWA and detailed the proposal for renewal of a 5 year operating agreement and a summary of three province wide programs offered by OCWA. 

Mayor Soloman thanked the presenters for attending. Council discussed the presentation information and provided questions regarding operations, system maintenance and costs.

  • Resolution:2024-11-22
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:J. Jonker

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the Presentation and proposal for the Operations and Maintenance Services of the Grand Valley Wastewater Treatment Plant from OCWA;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council approves the renewal of the Operating Agreement with the Ontario Clean Water Agency for a term of five-years commencing in January 2025, authorizes the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Agreement; and directs staff to prepare the necessary by-law for passing.


Mayor Soloman presented the public question received from Justin Cohen regarding the Municipal Speed Camera Program and Council discussed the public question.

  • Resolution:2024-11-23
    Moved by:P. Latam
    Seconded by:J. Jonker

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the Public Question Municipal Speed Camera Program received from Justin Cohen;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council directs staff to invite Justin Cohen to join the Police Services Board to get involved in Grand Valley policing.


Meghan Townsend, CAO/Clerk presented the Report and sought Council's direction on their preferred option.

Council discussed the report and options.

  • Resolution:2024-11-24
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:L. Dart

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Report – Response to Dufferin County’s Fire Modernization Plan,

    AND FURTHER THAT Council supports option number 3, a fire department run by the Town of Grand Valley; 

    AND FURTHER THAT Grand Valley Council requests that no further County tax dollars be spent on this matter. 


CAO/Clerk Townsend summarized the information that would be available at the Budget Open House. 

CAO/Clerk Townsend introduced Steven Krepps, Planning and Office Coordinator. 

Mayor Soloman and Council welcomed Mr. Krepps. 

CAO/Townsend introduced the report including a summary of the decal policy. 

Council discussed the policy and inquired as to whether the policy would apply to current Town vehicles.  Staff will consider and advise.  

  • Resolution:2024-11-25
    Moved by:L. Dart
    Seconded by:P. Rentsch

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Report – Vehicle Decal Policy

    AND FURTHER THAT Council approves the Vehicle Decal Policy as presented.


Steven Frietas, Director of Finance/Treasurer presented his report and provided a summary of the key items.  

Council discussed the report and inquired as to the status of the tender for the sewage pumping station and updates to finance policies. CAO Townsend provided an update on the tender for the sewage pumping station, advising delays are continuing with the Hydro One servicing arrangements. Staff provided an update on the status of the finance policies.

Council discussed the Hydro One Servicing delays and submitting a request to delegate these concerns to the Minister of Energy at ROMA Conference in February, 2025. 

  • Resolution:2024-11-26
    Moved by:L. Dart
    Seconded by:P. Rentsch

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the Report – Treasurer’s Update for information purposes.

  • Resolution:2024-11-27
    Moved by:P. Latam
    Seconded by:J. Jonker

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Grand Valley Council requests a delegation with the Minister of Energy regarding Hydro One's lack of support to complete infrastructure projects.


Brad Haines, By-Law and Property Standards Officer presented the report outlining concerns with the current Caine Control By-Law and sought Council's direction on options to amendment the Canine Control By-Law and provision of the Town's Caine Control Services.  

Council discussed the report, options for the provision of Town canine control services and amendments to the by-law which included: reviewing the definition of "at-large", a by-law appointing a Canine Control Enforcement Officer, a review of the current permitted dog limit in the urban area and inclusion of a definition of service dog outside of farm uses.  Council also provided considerations for future Canine Control contracts. 

  • Resolution:2024-11-32
    Moved by:P. Latam
    Seconded by:J. Jonker

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Report – Canine Control By-law issues;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council directs staff to make the necessary amendments to the by-law as discussed and present the updated by-law for adoption.


Brad Haines, By-Law and Property Standards Enforcement Officer presented his report outlining the key enforcement activities.  

Council discussed the Report.  

  • Resolution:2024-11-33
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:L. Dart

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Report – By-Law Enforcement Status Update – October 2024, for information purposes.


James Allen, Recreation Facilities Manager, presented his report including a summary of the draft Ball Diamond Allocation Policy and sought Council's comments on the draft policy.

Council discussed the report and draft policy, suggesting policy amendments include:

  • Town of Grand Valley Special Events be listed as number three (3) in the priority list.
  • Reconsideration of the fee reimbursement for suspensions; and
  • a further review of insurance ball diamond booking requirements.

Staff advised the 2025 ball diamond fees have been provided to the Treasurer and will be presented to Council during 2025 Budget discussions.

  • Resolution:2024-11-34
    Moved by:J. Jonker
    Seconded by:P. Latam

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the Report – Draft Ball Diamond Allocation Policy, for review and recommendations; 

    AND FURTHER THAT Council directs staff to revise the policy as discussed and present the final policy for approval. 


James Allen, Recreation Facilities Manager presented a summary of his report including a verbal update on the multi-use pad's grand opening.

Council discussed the report and inquired as to the Community Centre renovation presentations to Council for the Townships of Amaranth and East Garafraxa.  Staff provided a summary regarding the municipal presentations. 

  • Resolution:2024-11-35
    Moved by:J. Jonker
    Seconded by:P. Latam

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council Receives the Report Recreation Update, November 2024 for information.


There were no staff reports presented.



There were no staff reports presented.

  • Resolution:2024-11-28
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:L. Dart

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council recess this Regular Meeting of Council at 11:28 a.m. to hold Public Meetings under sections 34 and 53 of the Planning Act.


Mark Kluge, Town Planner presented his Report, stating the purpose of the proposed Zoning By-Law amendment is to permit an expansion of a Legal Non-Conforming (residential) use and to permit a second driveway. He summarized the request for a Stage 1 Archeological Study received from the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and that he had not received a response to his inquiry regarding the necessity for conducting a Stage 1 Archeological Study. Mr. Kluge stated as this is a minor application to expand an existing home, he was recommending Council approve the proposed zoning amendments without the completion of the Stage 1 Archeological Study. 

Mayor Soloman thanked Mr. Kluge for his summary and invited members of the public who wished to provide their comments to do so and requested they provide their name and address for the public record.

Ryan Smith, Agent for the Applicant, stated he was in support of the Town Planner's recommendation that a Stage 1 Archeological Study not be completed. He advised the project did not include any further excavation outside of areas that had been previously disturbed.

Mayor Soloman thanked the public for their comments and inquired as to whether Council wished to provide comments. 

Deputy Mayor Rentsch inquired as to the Town's authority to approve the application without completing the Stage 1 Archeological Study requested by the Misssissaugas of the Credit First Nation and preferred the Town work with the indigenous community regarding the request.

The Town Planner stated he had attempted to work with requestor as his inquiry was to seek the rationale for the study and he has not received a reply.  He explained the property is located in the floodway and zoned Environmental Protection. The Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation were included as a commenting authority as a result of this zoning. He advised that, had the property not been zoned Environmental Protection, a zoning application would not have been necessary and the project would simply have required a Building Permit. Mr. Kluge advised if Council's preference was to complete the Stage 1 Archeological Study, a decision on the application could be deferred until the study was completed and received by the Town, and if Council was to approve the proposed zoning amendments, without completion of the study, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation could appeal the decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal. 

Councillor James Jonker stated he his preference was to approve the proposed zoning amendments and, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation could appeal the decision.

Councillor Lorne Dart inquired as to whether contact could be made with the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation to advise a decision on the application was pending a response to the Town's inquiry for the Stage 1 Archeological study. Mr. Kluge advised staff could contact the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation regarding the study and recommended Council deferred the application, with a provision that the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation provide a response within the Town's Agenda deadlines for the application to be returned to the December 10 Council meeting for Council's decision.

Councillor Paul Latam inquired as to the request for a curb cut.

Joanne McGee, property owner, advised there is an existing curb-cut for a driveway at the front of the property, but there is no formal driveway at the front of the property. 

Councillor Paul Latam inquired as to the need for a second driveway.

Ryan Smith, Agent for the Applicant, advised the front yard driveway would provide for greater accessibility and maintenance of the roadway and retention of the rear driveway would be used for additional parking. He advised it was in keeping with surrounding properties for a rear and front yard driveway and removal of the rear driveway would result in additional project costs.

Mark Kluge, Town Planner advised the applicant would be required to obtain entrance permits from the Town's Public Works.

Councillor Paul Latam stated he was in support of deferring a decision on the application to permit time for the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation to respond to the Town Planner's inquiry regarding the Stage 1 Archeological Study. 

Councillor Paul Latam inquired as to whether lot line exemptions were required. The Town Planner advised set-backs were within zoning requirements.

Councillor James Jonker inquired as to the need for a curb cut request if one already existed.  The Town Planner advised a curb cut does exist; however, the driveway location in the front yard has been taken over by grass, with no presence of driveway. In accordance with the Town's By-law, only one driveway for each property is permitted and the Town has no records with respect to the rear-yard driveway. 

Joanne McGee, owner, advised the rear yard driveway may have been permitted at the time the application for the existing garage was made approximately 20 years ago. 

Mayor Soloman thanked Council for their comments and questions. He advised the applicants Council may defer its decision on the application to permit the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation to provide comments regarding the necessity of the Stage 1 Archeological Study.

The Town Planner advised he would keep the applicant updated as they would be included in communications to Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.

Mark Kluge, Town Planner provided a summary of the proposed consent and zoning amendment applications advising the subject lands contain working farm fields, a single detached dwelling and accessory buildings including a barn. The purpose of the consent, lot line adjustment and zoning amendment applications are for a proposed lot line adjustment between the applicant's property and the adjourning farm. The proposal is to sell 19.25 ha to the adjourning farm while retaining 2.98 ha for themselves.  Mr. Kluge advised the proposed zoning is to rezone the retained parcel to Rural Residential Exception thirty-seven (37) to prohibit a Hobby Farm use and to permit the barn to remain. The severed lands will be merged with the adjoining farm property to the west and retain the Agricultural (A) Zone.

Mr. Kluge advised comments were received from County of Dufferin's Building Services who expressed concerns with the proposed Consent and Zoning and requested a condition that the applicant provide an approved letter of lot suitability for the installation of a sewage system by the County of Dufferin Building Department and confirmation the existing system is located on the retained portion only. Comments received from Dufferin County's Planning Division were not in support of the Consent application.  County commented it was their opinion that the requested consent did not conform with the policies set out in the County's Official Plan. Kluge added that the County's comments stated the consent will create a lot that will be residential in nature and no longer be useable for agricultural activities, and because of this  County Planning did not provide comments on the Zoning By-Law Amendment application as they were not supportive of the initial consent application. County's Public Works, Engineering Division did not provide comments on the zoning by-law amendment application but was not in support the consent application. County Engineering stated that if the application was deemed approved, they would require a condition of conveyance of 5.0 meters of road widening to the County along the newly merged parcel and demonstrate that each proposed lot can accommodate a Residential Entrance that meets the criteria defined within the Dufferin County Entrance Policy.   

Mr. Kluge advised no new building lots will be created as a result of the proposed consent application; therefore, he did not agree with the comments provided by the County's Planning regarding the consent application nor the request for the road widening on the newly merged parcel which is not the subject lands of this application. Mr. Kluge recommend approval of the proposed consent and zoning applications, given the proposed applications are consistent with Provincial Planning Statements 2024, conform to the Town's Official Plan and meet the requirements of the Town's Zoning By-Law.  Mr. Kluge was not in support of the County's consent conditions to include the 5.0 meters of road widening, provision of an R-Plan for the 5.0 meter road widening or that the Applicant demonstrate the accommodation for residential entrance.

Mayor Soloman thanked Mr. Kluge for the summary of the proposed consent and zoning applications and his recommendation. He invited members of the public to come forward and provide comments and to state them name and address for the record. 

Evert Lusk of Van Harten, Agent for the Owners, appeared in support of the applications. He advised he agreed with the Town Planner's comments regarding the request for a 5.0 meter road widening from the County of Dufferin and believed the County was over-reaching. He was in support of the County's comments regarding septic and well, but questioned why these requests were coming forward prior to the building permit stage. 

Dayne Deaken, resident of 402252 County Road 15, provided comments stating that he is currently farming the property and was not in support of the County's request for accommodation for residential entrance, expressing the only change to the property is the lot line.  He stated the request of the County for a 5.0 meter road widening was questionable and not justified.

Mayor Soloman thanked the public for their comments and requested Council provide their comments. 

Councillor Paul Latam expressed concerns stating the retained portion was too large and that the conveyance should limited to 70-80 meters. 

Deputy Mayor Rentsch stated consent conditions 11,12,13, should be removed as County Road 15 is slated to become the Town's responsibility and not a County Road.  He stated the retained portion was too large and that the size should be reduced to ensure the property will not be marketed in the future as a hobby farm.  

James Bond, resident of 402287 County Road 15, stated he was in agreement with reducing the size of the area of retained parcel to create a straight property line. 

Dayne Deaken, resident of 402252 County Road 15, stated he was in agreement with reducing the size of the retained portion and creating a straight property line.  

Ron Deaken, resident of 402228 County Road 15, stated he was the original owner of the property and it it had been sold by one of his ancestors. 

Mayor Soloman thanked those in attendance for providing their comments and advised the applicants that Council may defer the application subject to a reduction of the requested severance.  

Mark Kluge, Town Planner explained the timelines for provision of the Notice of Decision and Appeals periods.  

  • Resolution:2024-01
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:L. Dart

    APPLICATION #: B01-2024

    RE: LOT(S) NO(S): Part Lot 29 CONCESSION:  Concession 11

    MUNICIPAL ADDRESS: 402287 County Road 15 (Roll# 207300) - Part 2 7R-2720      



    Pending Council receipt of a Revised Site Sketch showing a smaller retained parcel based on the area currently farmed; and further that another Public Meeting is not required.


    "Original Signed By"
    Chair, Steve Soloman

    "Original Signed By"
    Member, James Jonker

    "Original Signed By"
    Member, Paul Latam

    "Original Signed By
    Member, Philip Rentsch

    "Original Signed By" 
    Member, Lorne Dart


  • Resolution:2024-11-29
    Moved by:P. Latam
    Seconded by:J. Jonker

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council reconvene their Regular Meeting at 12:35 p.m.

  • Resolution:2024-11-30
    Moved by:J. Jonker
    Seconded by:P. Latam

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Report No. PLN2024-098, dated November 26, 2024, be received;

    AND FURTHER THAT Zoning By-law Amendment file Z06-2024, to amend the Town of Grand Valley Zoning By-law 2009-10, as amended, for the lands municipally known as 68 Water Street (Roll #349900), as generally shown in Appendix 4: Zoning By-law, of this report be deferred pending clarification on the requirements for an archeological study.

  • Resolution:2024-11-31
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:L. Dart

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Report No. PLN2024-102, dated November 26, 2024, be received;

    AND FURTHER THAT application Z07-2024 from the property owners of 402287 County Road 15 (Roll #207300) for a Zoning By-law Amendment, to rezone a portion of the lands from the Agricultural (A) Zone to a Rural Residential Exception Thirty-seven (RR-37) Zone, as generally shown in Appendix 5: Zoning By-law, be deferred pending the decision for the consent application.

    AND FURTHER THAT there is no requirement for another public meeting.




Council recessed at 12:40 p.m. and resumed at 1:10 p.m.

There were no pending items.

Council discussed the correspondence.

  • Resolution:2024-11-36
    Moved by:L. Dart
    Seconded by:P. Rentsch

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the correspondence listed on the Tuesday, November 26, 2024, Council Agenda.


Councillor Paul Latam's provided an update regarding the Grand Valley Fire Fighters Association's presentation of a $1000 cheque to Dufferin Fire Venturers and Rovers and the November 17, 2024 Grand Valley Firefighters Appreciation Dinner. 

Councillor James Jonker provided an update on Grand Valley Library Board activities advising the board has commenced their initial 2025 Budget discussions. 

Mayor Soloman provided an update on the Grand Valley Hockey Day held on November 2nd at the Grand Valley and District Community Centre, stating the event was well attended. 

Deputy Mayor Rentsch provided an update on Economic Development Advisory Committee's recent meeting. The Committee has developed a survey to gather information on resident shopping habits. The survey is to be launched in January 2025. The committee is currently recruiting new committee members. 

Council discussed the County's Municipal Emergency Readiness Grant Funding and upcoming County Standing Committee meetings which were scheduled for November 28th.

There were no Board and Committee recommendations.

Councillor Paul Latam advised he will present a motion to request dissolution of the Grand Valley and District Fire Board be investigated at the next Regular Meeting.

  • Resolution:2024-11-38
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:L. Dart

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council resolve itself into a meeting that is closed to the public at 2:06 p.m. pursuant to the Municipal Act as follows:

    • Section 239(2)(b)(c) personal matters about identifiable individuals, including municipal or local board employees and labour relations or employee negotiations - Human Resources Project - Update;
    • Section 239(2)(c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; and
    • Section 239(2)(e) litigation or potential litigation, including maters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board - Normal Farm Practices Protection Board Hearing
  • The following items were discussed: 

Call to Order


Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof


321339 Concession 6/7 - Henk and Leah Brakke


Normal Farm Practices Protection Board Hearing - Verbal Update


Human Resources Project - Update, 2024-109 


Council rose from its closed meeting at 4:10 p.m. 

  • Resolution:2024-11-39
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:L. Dart

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive information relating to 321339 Concession 6/7 Henk and Leah Brakke a proposed of pending acquisition of disposition of land by the municipality or local board; and that staff proceed as directed;  

    AND FURTHER THAT Council receive a verbal update regarding Normal Farm Practices Protection Board Hearing regarding litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals affecting the municipality or local board be received; and that staff proceed as directed.

  • Resolution:2024-11-40
    Moved by:J. Jonker
    Seconded by:P. Latam

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the closed session Report – HR Program project additional information and recommendations,

    AND FURTHER THAT Council directs the CAO to present updated information based on discussion in closed session.

  • Resolution:2024-11-41
    Moved by:L. Dart
    Seconded by:P. Rentsch

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT leave be given to introduce a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Regular Council Meeting held on Tuesday, November 26, 2024 and that it be given the necessary readings and be passed and numbered as By-Law 2024-50.

  • Resolution:2024-11-42
    Moved by:P. Latam
    Seconded by:J. Jonker

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn this meeting of Council at 4:15 p.m. to meet again for a Regular Meeting on December 10, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. and Special Meeting - 2025 Budget at 2:00 p.m. or at the call of the Mayor.

No Item Selected