The Corporation of the Town of Grand Valley

Council Meeting Minutes

Council Chambers, 5 Main Street North, Grand Valley
Council Present:
  • Mayor Steve Soloman
  • Deputy Mayor Philip Rentsch
  • Councillor Lorne Dart
  • Councillor James Jonker
  • Councillor Paul Latam
Staff Present:
  • Meghan Townsend, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk
  • Matthew Bos, Director Public Works
  • Steven Freitas, Director of Finance/Treasurer
  • Mark Kluge, Town Planner
  • Donna Tremblay, Deputy Clerk/Communications Coordinator
Others Present:
  • Heather Hayes, Executive Director, Orangeville Food Bank

Mayor Soloman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

  • Resolution:2024-09-01
    Moved by:P. Latam
    Seconded by:J. Jonker

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopts the agenda and any addendums dated Tuesday, September 10, 2024 as amended.

    AND FURTHER THAT September 10, 2024 Information Item 2.1 - Association of Municipalities of Ontario Support Modernizing the Municipal Elections Act, to be included as an item for discussion under Correspondence. 

  • Resolution:2024-09-02
    Moved by:J. Jonker
    Seconded by:P. Latam

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the August 13, 2024 Regular Council Meeting be approved as circulated.


Mayor Soloman thanked Council and staff for attending the Town's retirement celebration for Doreen Still.

  • Resolution:2024-09-06
    Moved by:P. Latam
    Seconded by:J. Jonker

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT leave be given to Heather Hayes, Executive Director, Orangeville Food Bank, to address Council.


Heather Hayes, Executive Director, Orangeville Food Bank came before Council to present information on Grand Valley Food Bank activities and usage.

  • Resolution:2024-09-07
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:L. Dart

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the presentation from Heather Hayes, Executive Director Orangeville Food Bank.


There were no public questions.

There was no unfinished business.

Meghan Townsend, CAO/Clerk presented the report and advised a Multi-Jurisdictional Fire Prevention and Protection Modernization Plan Report will be presented to County Council their September 12, 2024 meeting.

Council discussed the CAO Progress Update Report and provided the following questions. 

Proton Pit - Staff advised a follow up will be made with respect to removal of the equipment removal and an appraisal of the property will need to be conducted prior to listing the property for sale.

Automated Speed Sign Pilot Project - Staff advised the parties are working towards finalization of the contacts. Staff will advise once the contracts are completed.

AMO Housing Forum - Council suggested staff attend the breakout session regarding Enabling Private Market Affordable Housing Development. 

  • Resolution:2024-09-03
    Moved by:P. Latam
    Seconded by:J. Jonker

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the Report- CAO Progress Update for information purposes.


CAO Townsend presented the report. 

Council discussed the report and requested the proposed Accounting Clerk job description to a minimum 2 year's municipal experience under education and qualification.

Staff advised the job description will be revised to include this qualification.

  • Resolution:2024-09-04
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:L. Dart

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the Report – Human Resources Project update and requests,

    AND FURTHER THAT Council approves the recommendation to turn the Accounting Clerk position into a full-time, permanent role and the conversion of the Office Coordinator role into the proposed Planning Coordinator role.

    AND FURTHER THAT Council authorizes that the recruitment for both positions may begin immediately.


Donna Tremblay, Deputy Clerk/Communications Coordinator presented the report. 

Council did not provide any questions regarding the report.

  • Resolution:2024-09-05
    Moved by:L. Dart
    Seconded by:P. Latam

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the Report – Revised Live Streaming and Recording of Public Council Meetings Policy

    AND FURTHER THAT Council approves the revised Live Streaming and Recording of Council Meetings Policy as set out in Attachment 1 to this Report.

    AND FURTHER THAT Council directs staff to prepare and present an amendment to the Town’s Procedural By-Law 2024-10 to include a section for Live Streaming and Recording of Public Council Meetings.


Ms. Tremblay provided a preview of the Town's redesigned website including a summary of the website home page and components and new form for the public to report service issues.

  • Resolution:2024-09-08
    Moved by:L. Dart
    Seconded by:P. Rentsch

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the presentation from Donna Tremblay, Deputy Clerk, Communications Coordinator, regarding the Town of Grand Valley's redesigned website. 


Matthew Bos, Director of Public Works presented the report including an update on the recruitment of a new roads employee who will begin employment with the Town on September 23rd.

Council discussed report including a discussion regarding the Leeson Street traffic calming pilot project and future traffic calming measures. 

  • Resolution:2024-09-09
    Moved by:P. Latam
    Seconded by:J. Jonker

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff be directed to prepare a report on speed control measures to include: 

    1. the effectiveness of the speed bumps to include feedback from residents on the street and surrounding area. 
    2. consultations with Burnside on effective use of line painting, bollards and speed humps utilizing a proposed budget estimate of $40,000 placed throughout the Town.
    3. Report to be prepared by December's Budget meeting. 
  • Resolution:2024-09-10
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:L. Dart

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the Report - Public Works Update for information purposes.




Mark Kluge, Town Planner presented his report. 

Council discussed the report and there were no questions to staff.

  • Resolution:2024-09-11
    Moved by:L. Dart
    Seconded by:P. Rentsch

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the September 2024 Planning Update Report, for information purposes.


There were no Treasurer reports.

There were no By-Law Enforcement reports.

There were no Parks and Recreation reports.

There were no public meetings.

There were no pending items.

This item was extracted from the September 10, 2024 Information Items package for discussion. 

Meghan Townsend, CAO/Clerk provided a summary of the item and requested Council's consideration and support of the draft resolution provided.

Council discussed and provided comments. Staff will include the draft resolution on the September 24, 2024 Regular Council Agenda.

Councillor Jonker provided a summary of sessions he attend at the August  AMO Conference held in Ottawa. 

Councillors Jonker and Latam provided a summary of their delegation to Minister Paul Calandra, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing at the AMO Conference. 

Mayor Soloman advised the next County Council meeting will be held on September 12, 2024.

Councillor Latam inquired about the procedure for the appointment of alternates for County Council Grand Valley representatives.

  • Resolution:2024-09-12
    Moved by:P. Latam
    Seconded by:J. Jonker

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff investigates County alternates attending in place of Grand Valley representatives.



  • Resolution:204-09-13
    Moved by:P. Latam
    Seconded by:P. Rentsch

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the Board and Committee Minutes listed on the Tuesday, September 10, 2024, Council Agenda. 

  • Resolution:2024-09-14
    Moved by:J. Jonker
    Seconded by:P. Latam

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the correspondence received from Antonio Canini regarding the Dangerous Dog Designation Appeal - Elena Canini (Luigi).



Mayor Soloman requested Council and staff wear orange shirts to honor the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation at the September 24, 2024 Regular Council Meeting.  

There were no notices of motion.


  • Resolution:2024-09-15
    Moved by:P. Rentsch
    Seconded by:L. Dart

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT leave be given to introduce the by-law listed on the Tuesday, September 10, 2024 agenda as item 18.1 and that By-law be given the necessary reading and passed and numbered as By-law 2024-37.  


There was no closed session.

There was no closed meeting summary.

  • Resolution:2024-09-16
    Moved by:P. Latam
    Seconded by:J. Jonker

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT leave be given to introduce a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Regular Council Meeting held on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 and that it be given the necessary readings and be passed and numbered as By-Law 2024-38.  

  • Resolution:2024-09-17
    Moved by:L. Dart
    Seconded by:P. Rentsch

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn this meeting of Council at 8:28 p.m. to meet again for a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. or at the call of the Mayor.