THAT Report No. PLN2024-102, dated November 26, 2024, be received;
AND FURTHER THAT application B01-2024 from the property owners of 402287 County Road 15 (Roll #207300) for a Consent Application, to permit a lot line adjustment, as generally shown in Appendix 3: Severance Sketch and as per the conditions outlined in Appendix 4: Consent Decision, be approved;
AND FURTHER THAT application Z07-2024 from the property owners of 402287 County Road 15 (Roll #207300) for a Zoning By-law Amendment, to rezone a portion of the lands from the Agricultural (A) Zone to a Rural Residential Exception Thirty-seven (RR-37) Zone, as generally shown in Appendix 5: Zoning By-law, be approved and the necessary By-law be adopted.