The Corporation of the Town of Grand Valley
Council Meeting Agenda

Council Chambers, 5 Main Street North, Grand Valley

Changes to the original agenda are noted with an asterisk "*".


Town Council Meetings are livestreamed at 

Members of Council are required to request items they wish to discuss from the Information Items. Items will be discussed under Agenda Item 12-Correspondence. 

Members of Council are required to state any pecuniary interest in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

Members of the Public or organizations wishing to have an announcement read at a meeting are required to contact the Town Offices at [email protected] no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday preceding the date of the Regular Council Meeting. 

Members of the Public are required to submit written questions in advance to [email protected].


  • Recommendation

    THAT Council receive Report – Downtown Hanging Baskets program,

    AND FURTHER THAT Council directs staff to collaborate with the Grand Valley BIA Board and present options for reusable decorations for Downtown.

  • Recommendation

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the Report- CAO Progress Update for information purposes

    AND FURTHER THAT Council authorizes the Mayor and Clerk to sign the Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the purchase of 15 Amaranth Street East in the amount of $225,000 and directs staff to prepare and present the necessary by-law for passing.

  • Recommendation

    THAT Council receives Report – Trailway Parking Lot Licence Agreement

    AND FURTHER THAT Council accepts the agreement as presented, authorizes the Mayor and Clerk to sign the agreement and directs staff to prepare and present a by-law for the execution of the agreement.


  • Recommendation

    THAT Report No. PLN2024-060, dated October 8, 2024, be received;

    AND FURTHER THAT Town of Grand Valley Official Plan Amendment No. 7 (OPA 7), which amends the Town of Grand Valley Official Plan, for the lands municipally known as 40, 50 and 60 Emma Street South, as generally shown in Appendix 4: Official Plan Amendment, be adopted;

    AND FURTHER THAT the By-law to adopt OPA 7, be passed;

    AND FURTHER THAT OPA 7 be forwarded to Dufferin County Council for approval;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Zoning By-law Amendment, to amend the Town of Grand Valley Zoning By-law 2009-10, as amended, for the lands municipally know as 40, 50 and 60 Emma Street South, as generally shown in Appendix 5: Zoning By-law, be adopted;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Zoning By-law be passed once Dufferin County Council has approved OPA 7;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council allocate 9 Single Detached Equivalents (SDE) of servicing to the proposed development for a period of 2 years from the date of Site Plan Approval;

    AND FURTHER THAT the development shall be subject to Site Plan and Condominium Approval.

  • Recommendation

    THAT Council receive the October 2024 Planning Update Report, for information purposes.


The purpose and effect of this application is to amend the required setbacks for an accessory structure.

  • Recommendation

    THAT Report No. PLN2024-066, dated October 8, 2024, be received;

    AND FURTHER THAT the public has until Friday October 12, 2024, to provide comments to Planning on Application Z05-2024;

    AND FURTHER THAT all agency and public comments be referred to Planning and considered in a future Recommendation Report to Council;

    AND FURTHER THAT the decision on Application Z05-2024 be deferred.

Members of Council may provide updates relating to board, committee or association meetings and community events.

To immediately follow open session.

Call to Order


Approval of Agenda


Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof - Closed Session


Closed Meeting Minutes


September 24, 2024 Closed Meeting Minutes


Proposed Disposition of Land


Section 239(2)(b) and (c) personal matters about an identifiable individual and a proposed or pending disposition of land by the municipality.

Correspondence - Request for Land Disposition

No Item Selected