The Corporation of the Town of Grand Valley
Council Meeting Agenda

Council Chambers, 5 Main Street North, Grand Valley

Changes to the original agenda are noted with an asterisk "*".


Town Council Meetings are livestreamed at 

Members of Council are required to request items they wish to discuss from the Information Items. Items will be discussed under Agenda Item 12-Correspondence. 

Members of Council are required to state any pecuniary interest in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

Members of the Public or organizations wishing to have an announcement read at a meeting are required to contact the Town Offices at [email protected] no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday preceding the date of the Regular Council Meeting. 

Members of the Public wishing to present information or delegate to matters on the agenda are required to register to delegate using the Council Delegation Request Form.  Deadlines for registration are set out in Procedural By-Law 2024-10 section 6.7.  

Members of the Public are required to submit written questions in advance to [email protected].



Ryan Smith, Agent for the Applicant

  • Recommendation

    THAT Report No. PLN2024-115, dated December 10, 2024, be received;

    AND FURTHER THAT Zoning By-law Amendment file Z06-2024, to amend the Town of Grand Valley Zoning By-law 2009-10, as amended, for the lands municipally known as 68 Water Street (Roll #349900), as generally shown in Appendix 2: Zoning By-law, of this report be approved and the necessary by-law be adopted.

Everett Lusk, Van Harten Surveying Inc., Agent for the Applicants, Lori Bond and James Bond

  • Recommendation

    THAT Report No. PLN2024-117 - dated December 10, 2024, be received;

    AND FURTHER THAT Application B01-2024 from the property owners of 402287 County Road 15 (Roll #207300) for a Consent Application (Lot Line Adjustment), as generally shown in Appendix 1: Revised Severance Sketch and as per the conditions outlined in Appendix 2: Consent Decision, be approved;

    AND FURTHER THAT Application Z07-2024 from the property owners of 402287 County Road 15 (Roll #207300) for a Zoning By-law Amendment, to rezone a portion of the lands from the Agricultural (A) Zone to a Rural Residential Exception Thirty-seven (RR-37) Zone, as generally shown in Appendix 3: Zoning By-law, be approved and the necessary By-law be adopted.

  • Recommendation

    THAT Council receives Report PLN 2024-118 December 2024 Planning Update, for information purposes.

  • Recommendation

    THAT Council receives the Report - Amendments to Procedural By-Law 2024-10, as amended, Relocation of Closed Session in the Order of Business for Regular and Special Meetings of Council;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council approves a By-Law to amend the Town’s Procedural By-Law 2024-10, as amended, in accordance with Attachment 1 to this report, and directs staff to prepare and present the by-law for passing.

  • Recommendation

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the Report- CAO Progress Update for information purposes.

  • Recommendation
    1. THAT Council receives report - 2025 Tax Installment Due Dates and Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP) Changes and approves the changes as presented.
    2. THAT a by-law be enacted to provide for a 2025 interim tax levy based on 50 percent of the previous year’s taxes on those properties.
    3. THAT the 2025 interim levy for properties enrolled in the due date plan be payable in two (2) instalments on February 11 and May 13, 2025.
    4. THAT the Town no longer offer the [EXISTING (2) – 12 Installment PAP Plan] as an installment plan option for 2025.
    5. THAT the Town continue to offer the [EXISTING (1) – 4 Installment PAP Plan] and that it adds three (3) NEW PAP payment plans beginning in 2025 as follows:
      • [OPTION A – 6 Installment PAP Plan]
      • [OPTION B – 8 Installment PAP Plan]
      • [OPTION C – 10 Installment PAP Plan]
    6. THAT the 2025 interim levy for properties enrolled in a Town approved Pre-Authorized Tax Payment Program (PAP) be payable based on the taxpayer’s selected installment plan. Payments will be calculated based on the previous year’s tax levy on those properties divided into equal payments depending on the selected number of installments (either 4, 6, 8, or 10) and deducted from their bank account on or about the tenth (10th) day of the month as follows:
      • [EXISTING (1) – 4 Installment PAP Plan]
        • with payments in Feb, May, Aug & Nov 2025.
      • [OPTION A – 6 Installment PAP Plan]
        • with payments in Feb, Mar, Apr, Aug, Sep & Oct 2025.
      • [OPTION B – 8 Installment PAP Plan]
        • with payments in Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Aug, Sep, Oct & Nov 2025.
      • [OPTION C – 10 Installment PAP Plan]
        • with payments in Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct & Nov 2025.
    7. THAT for 2025, and in accordance with existing By-laws, the following charges will be applied if payments are not received by the Town on or before the due date. A charge of 1.25% will be added on the first day of default (DOD) and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter, as long as the taxes remain unpaid. Monthly interest charges will be imposed on any unpaid taxes from previous years.
    8. THAT staff take the necessary steps to implement a Communications Plan for the 2025 PAP Plan & 2025 Installment Changes.
    9. THAT changes be made to the Terms & Conditions of the PAP agreement that participants will be removed from the program if a payment does not clear through their financial institution, if they have an unpaid balance, or if there is an ownership change recorded for their property.
    10. THAT changes be made to the Terms & Conditions of the PAP agreement such that re-enrolments to the PAP program are subject to a fee if the property tax account is reinstated to the program within one year following the removal from the program (either because of removal from the program by the Town or by request to be removed by the property owner).
    11. THAT staff include a NEW administration fee in the 2025 Fees & Charges By-law for any re-enrolment requests to the PAP program within one year following removal.
  • Recommendation

    THAT Council receive and approve the cost of living increase to staff remuneration, effective July 1, 2025, at a rate of 2.7%.

  • Recommendation

    THAT Council receives the Report - Speed Control Measures

    AND FURTHER that Council directs staff to include costs for the recommendations in the 2025 budget.

  • Recommendation

    THAT Council receives the Report Public Works Update for information purposes.

  • Recommendation

    THAT Council receives Report AGAPIK9 Municipal Law Enforcement Officer Appointment and directs staff to prepare and present the by-law for passing.

  • Recommendation

    THAT Council receives Report – By-Law Enforcement Status Update – November 2024, for information purposes.

  • Recommendation

    THAT Council Receives the Report Recreation Update, December 2024 for information.

The purpose and effect of this application is to consider a request to: (a) Close up part of an unopened road allowance, and (b) Declare the closed-up part of an unopened road allowance as surplus land and convey those lands to the abutting landowner who owns Part of Lot 24, Concession 7, Geographic Township of East Luther, with a municipal address of 321339 Concession Road 6-7, Roll #122600, Grand Valley, Ontario.

  • Recommendation

    THAT Report No. PLN2024-113, dated December 10, 2024, be received;

    AND FURTHER THAT the portion of the Town owned Right of Way (ROW) as generally shown in Appendix 2: DRAFT Reference Plan, be declared surplus to the Town’s needs;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to present the necessary By-law as outlined in Appendix 4: Draft Surplus By-law, with conditions as outlined in Schedule B to the By-law, once the Town receives the deposited Reference Plan;

    AND FURTHER THAT the sale of the Town owned Right of Way (ROW) be subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix 5: Conveyance Conditions B02-2024, be approved.

The purpose and effect of the Amendment is to decrease the required front yard setback.

  • Recommendation

    THAT Report No. PLN2024-104, dated December 10, 2024, be received;

    AND FURTHER THAT the public has until Monday January 6, 2025, to provide comments to Planning on Application Z04-2024;

    AND FURTHER THAT all agency and public comments be referred to Planning and considered in a future Recommendation Report to Council;

    AND FURTHER THAT the decision on Application Z04-2024 be deferred.

Resolution - Letter to Ontario Premier - Ontario Roads Safety Program

Correspondence from Mayor Gardhouse regarding Dufferin County Multi-Jurisdictional Fire Prevention and Protection Modernization Plan

Resolution - Support for the Establishment of an Ontario Rural Roads Safety Program - Ontario Good Roads Association

Resolution - Distribution of Taxes From Property Transactions

Resolution -  County of Dufferin Multi-Jurisdictional Fire Prevention and Protection Modernization Plan - Option No. 3

Members of Council may provide updates relating to board, committee or association meetings and community events.

Motion for which notice was given at the November 26, 2024 Regular Council Meeting.

  • Recommendation

    WHEREAS the Town of Grand Valley provides fire services to the area residents through the operation of a fire board with two other municipalities where in Grand Valley contributes 60% of funding

    AND WHEREAS The Grand Valley and District Fire department undertook a third-party Fire Master plan study in 2024 that provided numerous recommendations to the way fire services are delivered in Grand Valley and how the Grand Valley and district fire department should be overseen 

    AND WHEREAS one of these recommendations was to disband the fire board and bring the fire department under the control of Grand Valley solely

    AND WHEREAS municipal partners in the shared fire services board have expressed the interest to disband the board and for the Town of Grand Valley to take over running it 

    AND WHEREAS  it is understood that disbanding the fire board will not be a cost saving measure to the Town of Grand Valley but rather will provide better oversight and operational effectiveness as the Town of Grand Valley looks to grow its urban center

    NOW BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Grand Valley Council asks staff to explore the option of disbanding the fire board and running the fire department solely as the Town of Grand Valley

    AND FURTHER that a report be brought back to Council in Q3 of 2025 with the help of the Grand Valley and District fire department staff, and such report include the operational implications, additional costing incurred bringing the fire board solely ran by the Town, proposed steps and timeline to disband the fire board by the end of 2025, and a billing model proposals to recoup servicing fire areas outside the Town of Grand Valley's boundary 

    AND FURTHER that this motion be forwarded to East Garafraxa and Amaranth Councils for their endorsement. 

  • Recommendation

    Recommendation: That Council resolve itself into closed session under the provisions of the Municipal Act, to discuss a matter pertaining to:

Call to Order


Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof


Closed Meeting Minutes


November 12, 2024 - Council Closed Minutes


November 26, 2024 - Council Closed Minutes


Items for Consideration


Confidential Report - Public Appointment to Grand Valley Economic Development Advisory Committee , 2024-119


Section 239(b) personal matters about an identifiable individual

Confidential Verbal Update - Human Resources Project


Section 239(2)(b)(c) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees and labour relations or employee negotiations.

No Item Selected